NR512: Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics

NR512 Week 1 Self-Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies Using the TANIC© Tool

Thank you for your participation in Chamberlain University’s self-assessment of nursing-informatics (NI) competencies. Understanding one’s own competencies in nursing informatics enables the planning of strategies to enhance knowledge and skills. A graded self-evaluation of your informatics competencies is required. The grade, however, is only for completing the tool. No grade is assessed for any individual responses or any summation regarding your level of competence in any area of the tool.

The self-evaluation is completed using the TANIC(c) tool. The acronym stands for TIGER-based -Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies(c). TIGER refers to the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Initiative which identified a list of the minimum informatics competencies for all nurses and students graduating from pre- and post-licensure programs. The TANIC(c) tool was developed by researchers who started with the TIGER list then worked to create a tool that could be used to self-assess competencies. The tool has been used nationally and internationally to assess nursing informatics competencies in a variety of nursing settings. There are no incorrect answers.

The TANIC© tool addresses three areas, listed below.

This instrument has 4 parts: questions about you (demographics) and the self-assessment, consisting of: basic computer literacy, clinical information management, and information literacy. There is an overall total of 94 items in the self-assessment portion.

One purpose of this data collection is to test the feasibility, usability, reliability, validity, and item performance of the instrument known as TIGER-based Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies(c). All data collected will be kept confidential. Tracing of Internet connections will not be conducted. Data reporting will be at the aggregate level. Approval by the Institutional Review Board of Chamberlain University will be attained prior to using this data for research purposes. Chamberlain is hosting the online presence of the questionnaire and providing support for statistical analysis.

*Upon completing the TANIC self-assessment survey, please TAKE  A SCREENSHOT of the last page of the survey and forward this to your faculty to confirm completion of your self-assessment. Take the screenshot using a program such as Snipping Tool and save it as a PDF or JPG. If you are unable to take a screenshot, or have already completed the survey, please inform your faculty. *

You will place a copy of this screenshot (or approval email from faculty verifying your completion) in the assignment folder in week 1 for the pre-TANIC and in week 7 for the post-TANIC.

Please click on the link below to complete your online TANIC Assessment Survey:

 NR512 Week 1 Pre-course surveyLinks to an external site.


Continuation beyond this page of the study instrument constitutes your agreement to participate in the study.

Permission is granted by Chamberlain University for non-commercial use of the TIGER-based -Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies (TANIC) in the context of research or practice, provided credit is given as noted below.


Kathleen M. Hunter, Dee M. McGonigle, Toni L. Hebda. TIGER-based measurement of nursing informatics competencies: The development and implementation of an online tool for self-assessment (2013). Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 12……………………………….$10

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