NSG4068: Trends in Healthcare Policy


In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, you will imagine you are going to make a visit to your representative in Congress. There are two parts to this assignment.

Address the following topics:

You may find it necessary to search for answers to the questions outside of the assigned reading.



First Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist/Advocate for Health Care Policy             My position on the Agency for Health Care Administration is that it has failed to address various pertinent issues in the sector. For this reason, its proposals ought to be shot down and eliminated in their entirety. My motivation for taking this stand and visiting my representative is the realization that the ripple effect of enacting the bill would culminate in the oppression of the minority and marginalized groups in society. A majority of the AHCA proposals tend to be leveled toward inequality by reducing the federal government budgetary allocations on healthcare. Ideally, this development is likely to significantly affect women especially the ones without health coverage serviced by employers (Bindman & Cox, 2018)…………………………….$15

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