SPH205: Interpersonal Communication


Consider the key concepts from the class on emotions, such as feeling and framing rules, obstacles to effective communication of emotion, influences on emotions, then choose one song from the list below. Identify which concept(s) of emotion your chosen song illustrates. Use the terminology from this week’s lesson on emotion in your response.

For this assignment, visit ( or A-Z Lyrics Universe ( or type the song and artist name into Google and select the song’s lyrics to identify how the artist uses music to portray emotions and their expression.

You may not use songs that are not on this list. Please choose only one song.

Your response should be a one-page (300-350 words) report that makes informed references from this module’s materials. A grading rubric (how this assignment will be graded) is provided.



From a wide spectrum, subjective experiences originating from music across various cultures can be traced to different concepts attached to emotion. Looking into the song, We Belong Together by Mariah Carey illustrates the concept of influences on emotions. In the song, Mariah Carey’s emotions are influenced by her personality. She appears to be neurotic in the sense that she is vulnerable to debilitative feelings such as anger and anxiety. In this case, she is angry about………………………………………$7

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