[Answered] NR305 Week 3 Discussion: Debriefing of the Week 2 iHuman Wellness Assignment


NR305: RN Health Assessment


  • Debriefing is an activity that involves thinking critically about your own experiences related to the virtual simulation you completed. Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
  • Scholarly sources are NOT required for this reflection


Use the following format to reflect on the Week 2 iHuman Wellness Assessment. This was the Luciana Gonzalez case.

  • Paragraph One: What went well for you in the simulation? Provide examples of when you felt knowledgeable and confident in your skills. Do you feel the scenario was realistic? Why or why not?
  • Paragraph Two: What would you do differently next time? Describe at least one area you identified where improvements could be made. Were you surprised by any of the feedback you were provided by iHuman? If yes, please explain.
  • Paragraph Three: What did you learn from this simulation? Or, what did this simulation reinforce that you found valuable? Do you have any questions related to the scenario?




Week 3 Discussion: Debriefing of the Week 2 iHuman Wellness Assignment

What went nicely for me was the point that the inquiries were previously laid out, and just must be selected, and asked – that made the issue formulation method much less tiresome. I felt self-assured when I recognized the majority of the questions in the assessment aisle because these’re some daily questions I consult at the current practice setting of mine throughout the admission operation. An additional key score for me was the point that i was permitted to try this particular assignment a next time, I recognized it much better the next time, and also enhanced the score of…………………please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5