NR519 – Adv Nursing Practice Across the Health Continuum Health Assessment Pathophysiology Pharmacology

NR519 Module 4: Shadow Health Assignment: Focused Exam – Chest Pain

Assignment Overview

During the NR519 course, you will complete all Digital Clinical Experience assignments using the Shadow Health virtual reality simulation platform. Based upon your performance within the Shadow Health assignment, Digital Clinical Experience (DCE) score will be earned. Please note that there will be no rounding up of the DCE score that is earned.

Shadow Health Assignment Description

This assignment provides the opportunity to conduct a focused exam on a patient presenting with recent episodes of chest pain. Interview the patient, assess the related body systems, and then produce a differential diagnosis. Students spend, on average, an hour and fifteen minutes on this assignment.

Assignment Instructions

  1. Access Shadow Health to complete the Digital Clinical Experience assignment using the Shadow Health virtual reality simulation platform.
  2. Complete the assigned Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience.
  3. After completing the assignment, download your Lab Pass from Shadow Health. You will need this to show completion of the assignment.
  4. Before submission of the Lab Pass for grading, you may repeat the Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience to improve your DCE score if desired.
  5. The Lab Pass in the assignment submission area.




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