Course Resources

[Answered] NR501NP Week 3: Concept Analysis

COURSE NR501NP: Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice Description of the Assignment This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of one concept that is important and useful to […]

[Answered] NR501NP Week 2: Ways of Knowing

COURSE NR501NP: Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice Preparing the Assignment Nursing knowledge is classified in a variety of ways, one of which is Carper’s Patterns of Knowing (Carper, 1978). […]

[Answered] NR501NP Week 1: Nursing Theory

COURSE NR501NP: Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice Preparing the Assignment For many students enrolled in NR501, this is an initial course for nursing theory. So, let’s have a debate. Is nursing theory important […]

[Answered] NR500NP Week 8: What Did You Learn

COURSE NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Assignment Thinking back over this course, what were the three most important or most interesting things you learned? How do you envision using […]

[Answered] NR500NP Week 7: Incivility and Healthful Environments

COURSE NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Assignment Reflect on an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Provide a brief synopsis of the […]

[Answered] NR500NP Week 6: Area of Interest Power Point Presentation

COURSE NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Requirements: Criteria for Content  For this presentation, select an area of nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in […]

[Answered] NR500NP Week 5: Systems Theory and Practice Issues

COURSE NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Discussion Question: Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future […]

[Answered] NR500 NP Week 4: APN Professional Development Plan Paper

COURSE NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Requirements The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, […]

[Answered] NR500NP Week 3: Person-Centered Care

COURSE NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Assignment This week’s topic focused on caring and reflective practice in contemporary nursing. In your initial response, provide a definition of what person-centered […]