BUSN115N: Introduction to Business and Technology
Initial Post Instructions
As Rice (2018) notes, “the boundaries that formerly separated not-for-profit and for-profit organizations have blurred, leading to a greater exchange of ideas between the sectors” (p. 14). Choose a not-for-profit organization that operates in your community or in your career field. Next, choose a for-profit business that provides a similar service. Compare and contrast the mission of both organizations. How does each organization use resources to achieve its goal? Do the organizations benefit from any exchange of ideas?
Rice University (2018) Introduction to Business. Retrieved from
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Consider how the other student’s chosen organizations compare and contrast to the organizations you chose. Are their missions and services similar or different? Do they use the factors of production in the same way or differently?
Not-for-profit organizations play a critical role in the life of citizens in the United States of America. A good example of a not-for-profit organization is the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). The YMCA is among the most prominent nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to empowering the community through helping young people, inspiring responsibility in the community and helping the community improve health and fitness (YMCA, 2021)……………………………….$5