(Answer) NURS 6052 Week 5 Discussion: Qualitative Research Designs


NURS 6052 – Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice

Discussion: Qualitative Research Designs

Reflect on the comments made by Dr. Mauk in this week’s media presentation on the value of qualitative research in nursing.

Locate the journal Qualitative Health Research in the Sage Premier database in the Walden Library.

From this journal, select an article of interest to you that was published within the last 3 years. NURS 6052 Week 5 Discussion: Qualitative Research Designs

Review the information on different qualitative research designs in Chapter 21 of your course text.

Determine what qualitative research design was used in your selected article and evaluate whether it was the best choice.

Consider ethical issues involved in the study and how the researchers addressed them.

Think about how using a quantitative design would have affected the type of data gathered. NURS 6052 Week 5 Discussion: Qualitative Research Designs

By Day 3 Post an APA citation for the article that you selected and provide a brief summary of the content and the qualitative research design used. Evaluate the appropriateness of the design, and explain how ethical issues in the study were addressed. Analyze how the study would have been different if a quantitative design had been used. NURS 6052 Week 5 Discussion: Qualitative Research Designs.



Quantitative Research Designs

Traumatic brain injury is a important health issue among our Veteran population. The

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2019) stated Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) might happen from a blow or jolt to the head or an object penetrating the brain. When the brain is injured, the person can experience a change in consciousness, loss of memory, or behavioral changes. These symptoms related to a TBI are associated with how severe the brain injury was at the time of injury. Not all damages to the head will result in a TBI. Many of the veterans’ I have cared for at the Veteran’s Hospital have been diagnosed with…………………………………….$5