ETHC445N Principles of Ethics

First, return to your topic chosen in the week three assignment.

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The ethical decision-making process entails several steps and is subject to various factors at the personal and communal levels. At the persona level, individuals’ ethical decisions are influenced by factors such as personality, morals, personal goals, values, and knowledge. Research shows that the more educated one is, the more information they likely have on a controversial subject, which ultimately affects their understanding and position on the matter. At the community level, culture happens to the most significant influence on decision making. That is, communities are affected by their rituals, beliefs, values, and norms. They are also affected by knowledge and existing moral structures.

For the week three assignment, I discussed the ethical issues involved in euthanasia. I also gave a brief history of the practice in America and an overview of both sides of the debate. According to the categorical imperative, an act is only considered to be ethical if it can be made universal for all rational humans, does not use people as a means to an end, and as per the kingdom of ends (Rachels, 2018)………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10

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