NR305: RN Health Assessment



Share with your classmates a time when you cared for a patient at the end of their life. This may be a time when you assisted the patient (or their support system) with decisions related to end of life care; or a time when you were present for the death of a patient.

  • What were your observations related to this experience?
  • Do you believe it was a peaceful death?
  • What went well?
  • Can you think of anything that could have made the experience better for the patient and/or family?




Week 8 Discussion: Reflection on End of Life Care

End-of-life treatment is the phrase used for describing the help as well as medical attention provided throughout time surrounding death ( I labored on a medical surgical device which was additionally a hospice system. It was among the hardest tasks that i at any time had….emotionally. I didn’t seek to be on a hospice floor, though the knowledge I gained was irreplaceable. I mastered a great deal about the changeover of proper care from life to death. I was given an individual which was in for CHF and sepsis with serious generalized pittin…………………please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5

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