NR393: Nursing History

Reflection Question

Catherine McAuley’s philosophy of careful nursing was applicable in pre-Nightingale times and is still applicable today. Select one of the 10 key concepts of careful nursing. Reflect on how that concept might have been applied in McAuley’s time and how it is applied in your professional nursing practice today.



Week 3 Discussion: Reflection on Careful Nursing

Developed by Catherine McAuley, careful nursing is a system of nursing used by Irish nurses during the Crimean war. McAuley developed ten concepts of careful nursing that she deemed important in taking care of the injured soldiers. Of the ten key concepts of careful nursing, I am interested in the concept of ‘perfect’ skill in fostering safety and comfort. According to Judd and Sitzman (2014), this concept implies that nurses should ensure attention to detail in all aspects associated with patient care,…………….please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5

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