Collaboration Café: Reflect on Knowledge

Step 1:  Use any social media platform (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube) to examine a post or video addressing a natural or human-made disaster within the last month.

You may use the course Twitter account in the Week 1 lesson. You will need a Twitter account to view the feed.

Step 2: Answer all discussion prompts below with explanations and details. No scholarly sources are required.

Paragraph one: Describe the selected post or video addressing a recent natural disaster. Identify the social media platform, type of disaster, location, and if it was posted by an individual or organization. Describe the tone of the message in addressing the disaster.

Paragraph two: Identify the phase of the disaster management cycle the post or video addresses. Explain if the social media post or video helps or hinders the disaster management response.  Explain how social media platforms can be effectively leveraged to maximize the impact of humanitarian responses.

Paragraph three: In what ways does social media enable community/public health nurses (C/PHNs) and organizations to mobilize resources and coordinate relief efforts during and after disasters? What challenges may arise in ensuring the reliability of shared information?

Posts should meet the following criteria:  

  1. Engage in Meaningful Dialogue: Engage with peers and/or faculty by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice.
    1. Respond to a peer and/or faculty post.
    2. Provide additional information or clarification in the reply post.
    3. Add depth to the collaboration café.
  2. Communicate Professionally: Communicate professionally on all posts.
    1. Communicate clearly and concisely.
    2. Communicate respectfully, civilly, and caringly.
    3. Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
  3. Participate: Participate during the assigned week. You are expected to meet the minimum participation requirement described below. You will receive a 10% point deduction in a graded discussion if you do not post at least two (2) times on at least two (2) different days during the assigned week.
    1. Post in the collaboration café at least two times.
    2. Post in the collaboration café on two different days.



Paragraph one

A recent TikTok video by an individual user addressed the catastrophic floods that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in June 2024. The video showcased the severe flooding and its devastating impacts on local communities, including submerged homes, displaced residents, and disrupted infrastructure. The floods were a result of record rainfall intensified by the ongoing El Niño weather pattern, highlighting the increasing………………………………………………$5

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