NR500: Foundational Concepts and Applications

NR500 Week 6 Systems-Structure and Function

Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your future practice specialty area, identify an issue or concern common to your future practice setting. In your initial response, please identify your specialty track, as well as the issue or concern. Discuss how this issue or concern impacts the system at the micro, meso, and macro levels. How will you address this issue or concern at the microsystem level? What is the expected impact of your solution on the meso- and macrosystems? Remember you can use an information technology-based solution to address the issue or concern.



Healthcare is a complex system that, that requires adaptability at all levels. It is not just required of the people who work in it, but of the system itself. All healthcare facilities must recognize that they are a part of a complex adaptive system (CAS). Being proactive with this approach can adapt to healthcare’s ever-changing environment (Lis, Hanson, Burgermeister, & Banfield, 2014). In each system, there are different levels: microsystems, mesosystems, and macrosystems, and each of these levels may require a…………………………..$5

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