[Answered] NR501 Week 6: Collaboration Café


NR501: Nursing Theory

NR501 Week 6 Collaboration Café

While the focus of this course is nursing theory, frequently we use a non-nursing or borrowed theory to help us manage or guide a situation or change. Think of a time when you were involved in a situation or a change that needed to occur. If you feel you have not applied a borrowed theory in your practice can you think of a situation where applying a borrowed theory would be beneficial to your practice? Which non-nursing or borrowed theory do you feel was used or could be used to help guide this situation or change? Why was it important to use this theory for this situation? How did it help the situation or change occur?



Most nurses are usually hesitant to change, yet it is an essential component of the nursing practice. In my nursing experience, I have seen nurses and even been part of nurses who did not welcome change, especially when it altered our nursing routine or added more work to our already busy schedule. Working as a supervisor, though, made me open to change. Kurt Lewin’s change theory can…………………$5