[Answered] NR505NP Week 1: Reflection on Learning


NR505NP – Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based Practice

Preparing the Assignment

  • Reflection: write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.
    • What experiences have you had with EBP or QI in your practice area?
    • What factors in your practice area support EBP? What barriers to EBP do you see?
    • What do you think your role in research will be as an NP?

Important Note: There is no requirement to respond to your classmates in the Reflection on Learning discussion board.



Week 1 Reflection on Learning

Beyond what I have gained in these sessions, I could do more to enhance my knowledge of evidence-based practice. I am better knowledgeable about raising product quality. Through QI, I can evaluate my past errors and provide wise suggestions for future enhancements, such as