NR532: Healthcare Operational Planning and Management


You are participating in a leadership development training program at your institution, and the topic of discussion is making a distinction between a leader’s span of control and sphere of influence. You have been asked to write down your top three dissatisfiers in your job.

  1. For each one, decide which ones belong to the category of Control, Influence, or No Control/Influence.
  2. What strategies will you use to address each of these?

MSN Threaded Discussion Guidelines and Grading Rubric




A span of control differs from a sphere of influence as a span of control involves the things a person has control over directly, and includes their duties and responsibilities. I would say this is very closely related to ones job description and what they will oversee in the position. For instance, a nurse manager’s span of control may include shuffling staffing, patients, supplies, hours, and personal time, as well as other responsibilities ……………………………..$5

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