NR532: Healthcare Operational Planning and Management

Collaboration Café Reflection

Remember your introduction post? You described ways in which you are a leader and manager whether informally or formally. As you reflect on your comments, what have you learned that reinforces, challenges, or changes your perspectives? What areas have you learned you would like to intentionally develop?

A goal for most nurse administrators/executives is to transform nursing practice through leadership approaches. Most leaders have the capacity to become transformational in their leadership approaches, but to do so requires intentional self and professional development.

  1. Reflect on three concepts within contemporary leadership approaches that resonate with you as areas to work on as you follow the path in becoming a transformational leader.
  2. Create a SMART goal to move you along the path.

MSN-ST Collaboration Café Guidelines and Rubric




I can not believe that we are on the last week of this class already. I have learnt a lot and appreciate each one of you.

  1. Reflect on three concepts within contemporary leadership approaches that resonate with you as areas to work on as you follow the path in becoming a transformational leader. 

For a leader to be successful one has to be able to modify their approach to fit the demands of their unit or department. . A transformative leader demonstrates appreciation for their team members and fosters an environment that is conducive to working together to achieve common goals. When it comes to making choices that will have an impact on the company, transformational leaders include their teams. A transactional leader is one who focuses on the……………………………..$5

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