NR533: Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations
Because you have been in the program for a while now, you have had many opportunities to get to know others in the group fairly well. For this introduction, we’re going to shift gears a bit. During this course you will be relating many of your discussions and assignments to your project proposal you anticipate completing for your practicum. Please introduce yourself to the class and instructor and include the following information.
- Description of the type of facility by which you are employed.
- Your current position and for how long
- Your prior experience in financial management
- Share the PICO(T) you anticipate using for the final practicum project.
* (For review of creating a PICOT see the example below or watch the media presentation located in resources and announcements) - What led you to choose this issue/topic? With whom have you collaborated, or will you consult about the issue at your facility?
- What type of expenses/costs would you need to consider in helping you develop a preliminary budget for your project?
Sunnybrook Health System has started the process for acquiring Magnet status. They have scheduled multiple planning and process meetings over the next year that require attendance of all staff. Staff must attend at least 70% of the meetings live. After three meetings, live attendance of night shift staff has been about 5%. There is concern that with the small amount of interest shown from this group, the benchmark of 70% for live attendance may be jeopardized. Currently, the meeting schedule is communicated to all staff via email and posted announcements. Suzie thinks an incentive of a free meal for live attendance might improve attendance of the night shift crew.
How could a PICOT be developed with this information?
P = Population – Describes the group upon which the intervention will have an effect.
Ex: night shift staff
I = Intervention – What we want to do that is different from what we currently do; the thing that is going
to impact the population identified
Ex. coupons for a free meal in the cafeteria
C = Comparison – Here the comparison is a before and after the intervention (incentive in this case)
Ex: communication of scheduled meetings via email and posted announcements
O = Outcome – What we want to see happen as a result of the intervention. The outcome should meet three criteria: direction (increase, decrease, etc), a baseline, and a goal.
Ex: increased mandatory meeting live attendance from 5% to 50%
T = Timing or Timeframe – When we expect to see the outcomes.
Ex: over the next 4 meetings
Now you can create the PICOT:
Among night shift staff(P), will offering a coupon for a free meal in the cafeteria(I), as opposed to only email invitations and posted announcements(C), increase mandatory meeting live attendance from 5% to 50% (O) over the next 4 meetings(T)?
My name is xxx I am from Central Florida, I started my career in 2004 when I graduated as a nurse in Cuba. I came from Cuba 11 years ago, and I started nursing at Dade Medical college, now I am an ED/ICU Nurse Manager and I decided to continue my career at chamberlain because it is a great fit for my work schedule, I completed my BSN at chamberlain on September 2018 and I am looking forward to complete my MSN as well. Im Currently working in a community hospital in central Florida (Bartow Regional Medical Center) It is part of BayCare………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5