NR533: Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations


Staffing is one of the largest expenditures for healthcare organizations. It stands to reason that for some organizations a mandatory staffing ratio could negatively impact their financial bottom line. Sometimes ratios can be different within an organization based on acuity of patients or type of unit. Explore your own organization staffing ratio policy. What is/are the ratio(s) and how they are determined? What variables affect the ratios? Have they been mandated by state legislation or organizational policy? How is your operational budget (unit or department) affected by the staffing ratio assigned to it?



As we’ve discovered in this week’s training, nurse leaders are accountable for properly staffing the device on an everyday schedule. It’s crucial to make sure that everyone’s devices are properly staffed to avoid negative impacts on staff satisfaction, work environment, patient satisfaction, and patient care (Young, and Dorrington, White, 2018. P. 163). Nurse executives are anticipated to balance the expense of staffing materials against the anticipated patient results on the product………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5

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