NURS-6501N: Advanced Pathophysiology

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

Scenario 1: Patient is a 22-year-old male who presents to the clinic for allergy immunotherapy, “allergy shots.” The patient is administered the medication the injection and waits 30 minutes to leave the center. As the patient is leaving, he begins to complain of having difficulty swallowing, nausea, and feeling weak. His vitals are 100/76, HR 120, Resp 24, and O2 sat 95%. The patient is now seated in a tripod position on the table.



The role genetics plays in the disease.

“Some families appear to be more likely to be affected by allergic conditions than others. Therefore, children born into these families often have a higher risk of developing an allergic condition. This familial tendency to develop allergic conditions is thought to have a genetic link known as atopic. It is estimated that more than half of children born into atopic families will develop an allergic disease. In contrast, the incidence of children with no family history of allergic disease is one in five. The risk is elevated even further for families where both parents are affected by…………………………………………..$5

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