A. Compare public healthcare policies at the federal and state level that affect the provision of patient care and healthcare delivery by doing the following:

  1. Describe one federal and one state public healthcare policy that affect the provision of patient care and healthcare delivery.
  2. Explain how each policy works (e.g., Is it mandatory? Will enforcement be necessary? Who is responsible for administering the policy?).
  3. Discuss each policy’s impact on the population(s) by answering the following questions:
    • What populations will benefit?
    • How will they benefit?
    • What populations will be negatively impacted?
    • How will they be impacted?
    • Does the policy impact health disparities and health equity?
  4. Discuss the evidence that informs each policy, including two scholarly evidence sources published within the last five years to support your discussion.
    • Discuss whether the evidence identified in part A4 supports the chosen policies, including any modifications that should be made to each policy based on the identified evidence.

B. Explain the role of the nurse in policy development and how the nurse could impact the administration of, or the revision of, a policy at both federal and state levels.

  1. Reflect on barriers to the nurse’s engagement in each of the following healthcare policy areas:
    • development
    • revision
  2. Reflect on ways that you will engage with healthcare policy in each of the following areas in your future nursing practice:
    • development
    • administration
    • revision

C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.





The Affordable Care Act (ACA) 2010 is a federal health policy that was signed into law by President Obama in the year 2010. It has substantially impacted healthcare delivery and patient care as a whole. The policy was designed to enhance the quality and optimize the affordability of health insurance coverage in the country. As a result, it aimed to lower uninsured rates through the expansion of private and public insurance coverage and reducing costs attached to healthcare for both private citizens and the government (Lee & Porell, 2020).

The Florida Legislature established the Florida Clean Air Act (FCAA) to protect citizens from the health consequences of second-hand smoke. After the passage of a voter-approved constitutional amendment, the Legislature banned workplace smoking in 2003 for those workplaces where it had previously been allowed. It was a crucial step towards averting…………………………………………..$10

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