NR518: Population Health and Epidemiology in Nursing Practice

NR518 Module 2: Collaboration Café Causes of Morbidity and Mortality

Investigate epidemiological data to learn about the leading causes of morbidity and mortality within your region, and respond to the following.

In the peer response in the Collaboration Café, consider how your findings are similar and different from those of your classmates.

Tip: Excellent sources of valid, reliable data regarding morbidity and mortality statistics can be found through governmental agencies, local, and state health departments, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.




In reviewing the National Center for Health Statistics key health indicators for the state of Ohio heart disease was identified as the leading cause of death, followed by cancer, accidents, COVID-19, and then stroke. The heart disease mortality for Ohio in 2022 aligned with over 30,000 deaths.

To better understand the epidemiology of heart disease, I will use the epidemiological triangle model. The key concepts the epidemiological triangle model are host, agent, and……………………………….$5

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