NR518: Population Health and Epidemiology in Nursing Practice

NR518 Module 6: Collaboration Café Disaster Management and Disaster Nursing

Review the phases of the disaster management process and the disaster nursing competencies, and respond to the following.

In the peer response in the Collaboration Café, consider how your findings are similar and different from those of your classmates.



Living in the New Orleans area involves being prepared for hurricanes every year during hurricane season. Living through Hurricane Katrina involved environmental and population health. There was long term environmental damage, displaced communities, a decline in mental health, and many deaths. There was widespread flooding, which brought mold issues to thousands of homes. The water systems were contaminated. Many people could not return to their homes for months.

During natural disasters, such as hurricanes, advanced practice nurses can be involved in emergency care, working with public health officials to manage population health, and working in the community to help educate the community on health risks or……………………………………$5

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