SCIE1046: Fundamentals Of Microbiology With Lab

1. About the Lab

Learning Objectives:

Estimated Length: 15 minutes


The background information in section 2 was adapted from the following Microbiology lecture course Tutorials:
4.1.1: Bacterial Growth
4.1.4: Media Used for Microbial Growth

2. Background Information

The following background information will be helpful as you prepare for the simulation.

2a. Nutrition Requirements of Media Used for Microbial Growth

Growth medium needs to contain sufficient nutrients and vitamins to support the growth of the microbes of interest. Many growth media are considered general all-purpose media because they are intended to support a wide range of microorganisms. Commonly used options are tryptic soy broth (as a liquid medium) and tryptic soy agar (as a solid medium).

In some cases, specialized media are needed. These media may be used to grow bacteria with specialized requirements or for particular purposes.

Differential media are useful in distinguishing between types of bacteria because of changes in the bacteria or medium.


These glossary terms are important to know and will help you during the Activity.

Growth Media

Media that contain a variety of nutrients necessary to sustain the growth of microorganisms. Also called growth medium.

Differential Media

Media that are used to distinguish between types of bacteria because of changes in the bacteria or medium. Also called differential medium.

Specialized Media

Media that inhibit the growth of unwanted microorganisms and supports the growth of the organism of interest. Also called selective medium.

2b. Bacterial Growth

You are encouraged to review the complete Microbiology lecture course Tutorial 4.1.1: Bacterial Growth for additional background on this topic before you begin the simulation.

3. Lab Manual

  Lab Manual – Aseptic Technique: Culture your sample without contamination

This Lab Manual gives a synopsis of the lab and the theory behind it. You’re encouraged to read or download the manual before launching the lab. This information will also be available during the simulation by selecting the “Theory” tab on the virtual LabPad.

4. Launch Lab

You’re ready to begin! Review the helpful navigation tips below. Then click the Launch Lab button to start your lab. Be sure to answer all the questions in the simulation because they contribute to your score. Good luck, scientists!

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