[Solved] HIST405N Week 5: Case Study


HIST405N – United States History

Pick one (1) of the following topics.

Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. To find your external and scholarly sources unique to the weekly content, please refer to the resources required above.

  • It’s highly recommended that you download and use the suggested assignment template for each topic to complete this case study.
  • When you complete the template, upload and submit it in the assignment dropbox on this webpage.

The Emergence of the Nursing Profession in America 

  • Describe what historical events contributed to the idea of hospitals and sick care in the United States at the beginning of the 19th century. Examine how the Nurse Society of Philadelphia aided at the beginning of nursing education.
  • The American Civil War demanded women to enter the workforce as nurses. Examine how the Nightingale schools emerged in the late 1800s, what was the nature of these schools, and what did their education emphasize?
  • Assess how the nursing profession was organized and diversified by the early 20th century. What were some of the challenges in employment conditions nurses faced?
  • Analyze how World War I revolutionized the nursing profession. What changes do you see post-War to modern practices of nursing? Provide a couple of examples.

Topic 1 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

The Progressive Era – Expansion of Government

  • Describe the multiple groups and leaders that emerged in the fight for the Progressive agenda. Consider women’s, African Americans, Native’s, and workers’ rights.
  • Which of the primary features of grassroots Progressivism was the most essential to the continued growth and success of the reformist movement? Why?
  • Analyze traces of Progressivism we can see in our modern lives—politically, economically, and socially. Which of our present-day political processes, laws, or institutions have roots in the Progressive era?
  • Why do you think Progressives have had such staying power today?

Topic 2 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

World War I 

  • Assess how trench warfare and technological advancements such as gas, aircraft, machine guns, and U-boats affected the course of the war.
  • Describe why you think the United States entered World War I. Was it due to the sinking of the Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare, the Zimmerman Note, or something else? Defend your answer with documented examples.
  • Analyze medical practices during World War I. What were some medical developments during World War I?
  • Assess how World War I contributed to new ideas in medicine. You are welcome to include psychological ramifications such as treatments for Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) etc.

Topic 3 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

Harlem Renaissance

  • Describe the historical, social, and cultural forces that shaped the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Evaluate why Harlem was the center of the Renaissance of African-American arts in the 1920s and 1930s.
  • Assess how the Harlem Renaissance helped African Americans to rebuild their history and culture.
  • Analyze how the Harlem Renaissance impacted American society during the 1920s and beyond. How is it relevant in modern America?

Topic 4 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

Worker Organization and the Struggle of Unions: The Pullman Strike

  • Describe the historical context of the Pullman Strike. What were the causes and outcomes?
  • Evaluate the various attempts at labor organization in this era, from the Molly Maguires to the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor. How were these groups’ goals, philosophies, and tactics similar and different? How did their agendas represent the concerns and grievances of their members and workers more generally?
  • Assess the violent clashes between labor and management during this era. What do these events reveal about how each group had come to view the other?
  • Analyze why the Pullman Strike was a blow at organized labor and unions.

Topic 5 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)