Task 1 – 800 words
Critically explain the concept of strategic trade, environmental competition and preferential trade arrangements in the international trade.
: Explain the role of international competition policy for environmental regulations and strategic environmental protection for any organisation doing trade globally.
: Explain the concept of classical theory of distortions to measure trade barriers.
: Critically describe types and rationales for preferential agreements.
: Critically explain the economic bases of the rules and principles of the GATT.

Task 2 – 800 words
Evaluate the underlying principles, practices, rules and regulation of international sales contracts.
: Assess constitutes for the contract for sales of goods and products.
: Assess the rights and obligations imposed under international sales contracts. 2.3: Evaluate the validity of rights and obligation of international sales contracts. 2.4: Evaluate the implications of making international contract online.

Task 3 – 400 words
Assess various issues associated to an organisation trading globally.
: Identify various types exchange rate, regulatory and legal associated to an organisation trading at an international level.
: Critically assess legal rules relating to the financing of international sales………………$10

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