NR351 – Foundational Concepts for the Practicing RN

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.


Complete this assignment following the steps below.

  1. Download the Assigned Article Summary assignment template.. Use of the template is required. A 10% deduction will be applied if the template is not used. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
  2. In the NR351 Announcements, locate the announcement entitled, “IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Weeks 4 & 6 Assignments.” In this announcement, you will find:
    1. The link to the assigned article (you must be logged into the Chamberlain Library before clicking the link.
      1. Download and save the article in PDF format to your computer for this assignment.
    2. Instructions for specific sections of the article to use for analysis on the template.
  3. Read the entire article.
  4. Using the assigned article PDF, follow the instructions in the downloaded Assigned Article Summary template and the Canvas announcement to complete the assignment.
  5. When complete, save and close the completed template. Click the Submit button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment.
  6. Correctly cite and reference ideas and information that come from scholarly literature.
  7. Follow grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scientific writing.
  8. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy



NR351 Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet Template 


  1. See the NR351 Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet Assignment page.
  2. Read the NR351 Announcement entitled IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Weeks 4 & 6 Assignments: 
  3. Download in PDF format the assigned article linked in that announcement; save it to your computer for future use.
  4. Locate the sentence required for quotation and citation.
  5. Locate the sentence required for paraphrasing and citation.
  6. Read the entire article.
  7. Carefully review the resources and page numbers below to help you with APA format in this assignment.
  8. Complete each item below. All lines should be double spaced.
  9. Submit the completed template on the assignment page.

Complete each item below:

  1. Reference for Assigned Article: 

Create a reference for the assigned article (see announcement) using correct APA format including: author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available.

[See pages 316-317 in APA 7th Edition Manual]

Type the reference for the assigned article here beginning on the line below:

Younas, A.Relational inquiry approach: nursing practice in Pakistan- a case study. 2017; p61- 63. http://DOI-10.1097/01.Nurse0000651628.771776.b3

  1. Quotation and Citation: 

Type the assigned quotation from the assigned article (see announcement) using correct APA citation including quotation marks, names of author(s), year, page abbreviation, page number, and parentheses, and punctuation.

[See pages 261-262, 266, and 270-272 in APA 7th Edition Manual]

Type the assigned quotation and citation here beginning on the line below:

Younas (2017) established that“when  you are aware of your own biases and ingrained cultural values, you can prevent yourself from projecting those biases on to patients when providing care” (p63).

  1. Paraphrased Area and Citation: 

Type appropriately paraphrased version of the assigned sentence (see announcement) using correct APA citation including names of author(s), year, and parentheses, and punctuation.

[See pages 261-262, 266, and 269 in APA 7th Edition Manual]


Type an appropriate paraphrase and citation of the assigned sentence here beginning on the line below:

Self-aware nurses reflect on their strengths and limitations; acknowledge their racial,……………………………………..$10



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