
Complete the Wednesday Check-In assignment following the steps below.

  1. Click the Take the Quiz button at the bottom of this page to record your answers. There is no time limit.
  2. Respond to the items and ask any questions.
    1. Response required for points.
  3. When completed, click Submit Quiz at the bottom of that page.
  4. Review grades and faculty feedback in the Assignment Comments in the Gradebook.



Question 1

I attended the Week 1 live course review or watched the Week 1 course review recording.



Question 2

I understand my mentor is my course faculty.



Question 3

My selected topic for the Practicum Project is:

Question 4

The aim of the Practicum Project is to advocate for community health through collaboration with a minimum of 3 licensed healthcare professionals and the provision of educational resources.

Question 5

The Practicum Log is used to track the completed Practicum Project, Practicum Mentorship, and iHuman Simulation hours. You will record cumulative hours in the Week 2, 3, 4, and 6 Practicum Mentorship and Project Check-Ins. All hours must be completed, documented, and submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday of Week 8.

Question 6

What questions do you have about the Practicum Project or your Mentorship? Write them in the text box below. Your course faculty will respond by Friday, 11:59 p.m. MT via the comment box in the grade book.

Question 7

If you would like to meet with your course faculty, provide your phone number, time zone, and at least two days and times for them to contact you in the text box below.

If a meeting is not requested, share your thoughts about how the project is progressing (is it easy or challenging, are you finding it interesting, are there resources that would be helpful, etc.)……………………………$5


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