
For this part of the project, you will analyze your survey results and submit your attendance form as proof of completing the Health Promotion Collaboration meeting(s).

Step 1: Download the Week 6 Practicum Project: Verification worksheet..

Step 2: Gather the information from the surveys and complete the worksheet.

Step 3: Submit the Week 6 Practicum Project: Verification Worksheet and the attendance form(s).



Directions: In the Survey Results, use this worksheet to calculate your Practicum Project PRE-survey results and POST-survey results. In the Analysis of Surveys section, the data is analyzed by answering the following questions:

Name:                                                 Date: June/15/2024

 Survey Results

  1. Practicum project topic: Mental Health Awareness
  2. Date(s) of meeting(s): June/8/2024
  3. Tables of results: Calculate the results of your surveys and place the numerical values in the boxes below.


# Strongly Agree 
Neither Agree or Disagree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree 
1 1 2 1 0 0



# Strongly Agree 
Neither Agree or Disagree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree 
1 2 1 0 0 0


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