[Solved] NR546 Week 4: Anxiolytic Medication Table


NR546 – Advanced Pharmacology: Psychopharmacology

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

General Instructions

Download the Week 4 Medication Table. and complete the required information using the template.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric)

  1. For each medication listed, complete the following:
    1. Provide indication, target symptoms, and affected neurotransmitters.
    2. Include half-life and CYP 450 enzyme information.
    3. List notable side effects.
    4. Link notable side effects to the associated pathway or neurotransmitter.

Submit your completed medication table to the Week 4 dropbox.



Drug Name/

Medication class


list diagnosis and targeted symptoms

Associated Neurotransmitters Half-life (T1/2)

Metabolism (CYP 450 enyzme)

Notable side effects
Gabapentin Indication:

·Partial seizures with or without secondary generalization (adjunctive)

·Postherpetic neuralgia

·Restless leg syndrome

·Neuropathic pain/chronic pain

·Anxiety (adjunctive)

·Bipolar disorder (adjunctive)


Target symptoms:




Associated neurotransmitters:

·Leucine analog transported both into the blood from the gut and also across the blood-brain barrier into the brain from the blood by the system L transport system

·Binds to the alpha 2 deltasubunit of voltage-senitive calcium channels

·This closes N and P/Qpresynaptic calcium channels, diminishing excessive neuronal activity and neurotransmitter release

·Although structurally related to gamma-amniobutryic acid (GABA), no known direction actions on GABA or its receptors


5-7 hours


Metabolism: Notmetabolized;excretedintact renally

Notable side effects:

·Sedation (dose-dependent), dizziness

·Ataxia (dose-dependent), fatigue, nystagmus, tremor

·Peripheral edema

·Blurred vision

·Vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain ·Additional effects in children under age 12: hostility, emotional lability, hyperkinesia, thought disorder, weight gain

·CNS side effects may be due to excessive blockade of voltage-sensitive calcium channels
