[Solved] NR632 Week 8: Final Learning Agreement


NR632: Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience II

Assignment Instructions

  • Throughout the practicum course, provide any updates and modifications to the Learning Agreement that are needed to accurately reflect your practicum experience and achievement of the course outcomes.
  • Narratively describe your progress toward and achievement of the self-identified practicum objectives in the appropriate column on the Learning Agreement.
  • Review the completed Learning Agreement with your practicum mentor.
  • Confirm validation of your Learning Agreement via practicum mentor signature on the Learning Agreement where indicated for Week 8.
  • Submit your Learning Agreement for final instructor validation and grading.



  1. Student Learning Outcomes
Course Outcomes Student Identified Practicum Goals to Meet Course Outcomes Plan to Meet Student Identified Practicum Goals Narrative Description of Attainment of Student Identified Goals through the end of CGE 2
CO1:   Apply evidence-based leadership skills and concepts in the execution and evaluation of an executive-level practice change project. (POs 4, 5) Enhance my skills and knowledge in leadership and demonstrate the same by developing, implementing and assessing a change initiative Conduct thorough research and review literature on evidence-based leadership.

Seek to understand best practices based on evidence regarding the workforce turnover occasioned by over-reliance on sign-on bonuses at the expense of other employee retention approaches.

Keep a constant liaison with the mentor for a continuous evaluation of the change project

In NR632, we mainly looked into project completion. I successfully applied evidence-based leadership skills to ensure the project was successfully executed. These skills were also instrumental in drawing and integrating strategies to ensuring the sustenance of the project. I held a series of consultations with my project mentor in a bid to ensure the successful execution, completion, and sustenance of the project.
