NR715 – Scientific Underpinnings
The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on your own readiness to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse, to consider what you learned in this course and how this knowledge will impact your practice.
Reflective inquiry allows for the expansion of self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals. As you reflect on your own readiness for practice as a DNP-prepared nurse, it is important to consider what you learned in this course.
As you review the course outcomes and your experience in this course, address the following:
- Analyze and evaluate how your thinking was challenged in this course as related to translation science models and theories and searching the literature for current research about the National Practice Problems.
- Considering this new knowledge, examine how this learning prepares you to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse.
Reflective practice is a core component of educational development and growth. This course challenged my thought process on how to understand the global burden of disease study, which is a worldwide epidemiological study, and relate it to evidenced based practice and apply it to thinking about real-time practice. When viewing the trends and relating a specific global burden of disease to practice skills were nudged into developing researching quality and current literature to not only learn about the subject matter but also relate it to processes related to the doctoral prepared nurse and their role in the hospital setting and future change. There are many theories and processes to assist in the application of change in the hospital setting. Exploring and learning about translational science models and theories that could mold change helps create a solid foundation for practice change in a system. They are reviewed and used systems proven to guide and assist with the entire process involved for stakeholders to support change in a system. ……….please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $10