NU643: Advanced Psychopharmacology
- What is your personal perspective on the application of this practice in the provision of psychiatric care?
- Is there a difference in efficacy of pharmacogenetic testing for adults versus children?
- Give an example in the form of a research article that shows this practice is evidence based. (Share link to article and discussing findings in a short paragraph)
- Do you see a role for your future practice?
- How is this practiced in your state?
- What legal aspects surround telepsychiatry in your state of clinical practice?
- Give an example in the form of a research article that shows this practice is evidence based. (Share link to article and discussing findings in a short paragraph)
- Do you see a role for your future practice?
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
Current Trends and Topics
Telepsychiatry is practiced in my state to provide additional access to mental care services to children, adults, and families. Of late the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) has conjoined a new part 596 Title NYCRR in a bid to increase the implementation of telepsychiatry beyond clinical settings to encompass all the OMH licensed programs. Hence, only the spoke/originating site will require to acquire licensure from the OMH pursuant to the new regulations. The hub/distant site could simply get enrolled as an NYS Medicaid site. An OMH licensed program could assume the role of a…………………………$10