Course Resources

[Answered] NR394 Week 6 Check-In: Course Project Part 3

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Directions Download the Week 6 Check-In: Course Project Part 3 Template below. Save the template to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 5 Discussion: Reflection on Cultural Perspective

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Reflection Question Much of our culture comes from what we learn as children. However, culture continues to influence our norms throughout our lives. Reflect on the […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 4 Assignment: Course Project Part 2: Research

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Directions Download the required Week 4: Course Project Part 2 Template below. Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 Course […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 4 Check-In: Course Project Part 2

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Directions Download the Week 4 Check-In: Course Project Part 2 Template below. Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 W4 […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 3 Assignment: Course Project Part 1

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Directions You will use the same approved population and health problem for all the Project Check-Ins and Course Project Parts 1, 2, and 3. Approval is in […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 3 Check-In: Course Project Part 1

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Directions Download the Week 3 Check-In: Course Project Part 1 Template below. Save it to your computer as with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 2 Discussion: Reflection on Cultural Awareness

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Reflection Question As nurses, we work with patients, providers and healthcare team members whose native language is not English. This diversity may lead to challenges with […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 1 Discussion: Diversity in Nursing

COURSE: NR394: Transcultural Nursing Discussion Diversity is part of nursing. As you begin this course, answer the below questions: Discuss what transcultural nursing means to you. Why did you decide […]

[ALL ANSWERS] Full Course NR447: RN Collaborative Healthcare Week 1 – 8

COURSE: NR447: RN Collaborative Healthcare NR447 Week 1 Discussion: Reflection on Leadership Self-Assessment NR447 Week 2 Assignment: Direct Care Project Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis NR447 Week 3 Discussion: Procedures […]